Broken Arrow (1996)
Very entertaining, no-brainer actioner. Well worth the rental.
1 January 2001
Let's not even think about comparing this to a drama/suspense film like Face/Off. It's not. It's a straight action movie with some great pre-Matrix effects, decent acting (esp. Travolta) and continual movement. Much like Speed, there is just no time for a sophisticated plot or in-depth characterization. (The two protagonists don't even know each other's names until the last scene.) If you don't go into this movie with highbrow expectations, you will be quite entertained. Sometimes we all need a night off.

In case you need a reference point: I watched Art of War and Shaft (2000) on the same day and liked Broken Arrow a *lot* better. It has no pretensions, so you won't feel disappointed. And the violence is much more integral to the plot.

Thorn in my paw: Christian Slater was miscast. He does well enough in each scene, considering the limited demands made on him, but on the whole Travolta simply overpowers him. And you tend to notice it.

Extra points: Samantha Mathis has a strong role requiring decisive action and physical courage, and she plays it well.

I gave it a 7/10 because it does well what it sets out to do and I enjoyed every minute
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