Review of Bad Moon

Bad Moon (1996)
Could have been a lot better.
30 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers

This film had some interesting ideas such as the protective family dog and the brother's search for recovery through his family.

The dog was cool and that scene where Thor gets taken away to the pound was *really* sad... then later the film gets cutesy and the dog wasn't put down afterall, the boy rescues it and the dog rescues the family.

I liked how the sister wasn't a standard horror film female: she was neither screamer or tank-top heroine. She was intelligent and everyday.

I felt really let down near the end by the characterisation of the brother. I felt like there was a huge and sudden transition from the anguished cure-searching self-restraining man to the guy who calls his sister a "b**ch" and doesn't take the effort to cuff himself anymore. In the end, he's not a nice guy anymore - that justifies how it's okay for him to die - that justifies how there can be a big fight scene. I would have thought it would be better drama if he asked him sister to put him down.

Other areas where it was terrible was the special effects. When you have special effects that mediocre, the director will usually take the effort to use more shadows and the "more is less" technique.

In some ways, this film reminded me of "Alien" (eg where there's drooling before the victim gets killed and the sensitive animal).
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