No normal people here
10 April 2004
This had to be some of the most abnormal folks I've had the pleasure of viewing in many moons. The Wiener family consisted of a gutless, say nothing dad and a mom who doted on the youngest, spoiled rotten, daughter while virtually ignoring the siblings. This didn't seem to faze the son at all as his mind was on college and resumes', but caused the other daughter endless grief and anger. Her life at school was no better; a living hell over having to deal with outrageous behavior from her peers as well as the faculty. Finally, she breaks from the strain and becomes what she hates, at least briefly, and strikes out at a fellow nobody. Even though this was a comedy it had it's serious side, however I found myself howling with laughter even when I should have been crying tears of pity and pain. Dynamite film, well played by all.
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