Review of 12 Monkeys

12 Monkeys (1995)
great potential, but big flaws
13 December 2002
Now, I thought this movie was good and I suggest seeing it. It is very entertaining. However, several things detracted from my ability to really get into the story (which was very good). I'll see anything by Gilliam... you know its going to be something interesting.

1)Brad Pitt's acting. Come on, Brad... your character can't be THAT crazy? I would have appreciated a little more subtlety to his insanity. This led the viewer not to take his character seriously (let alone a global threat). His acting was very over the top and ineffective. Four years later he figured it out in Fight Club... in which he was superb. Unless he makes some horrible career moves, Pitt will be remembered as one of the premier/bad-boy actors of this period in film.

2) The ending... just flat out bad and melodramatic.

With some fine tuning, I believe 12 Monkeys could have been right up there with Seven or Silence of the Lambs as a great film of the 90's. However, it just isn't.
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