Review of Spin

Spin (1995)
Political documentary deserves major release
19 June 2000
I was given a poor-quality tape copy of this film and have no idea where to get the real deal. This chilling documentary is allegedly by the same director as "Feed", the hilarious film that covers the campaign for the 1992 Primaries. Both Feed and Spin draw most of their material from unexpurgated live satellite feeds, which reveal much of odd combo of calculation and cluelessness that go into the media farce of modern American elections. But with Spin, the tone is darker and scarier, as we see worthy contenders cut out of the political process by the de facto censorship of modern "sound byte" media, and witness mind-blowing off-air exchanges such as Larry King telling then-Governor Bill Clinton that Ted Turner would help him any way possible. King also appears suggesting a new source of tranquilizers for George Bush during a commercial break. Thank goodness for satellite feeds and those few who bother to find and monitor them! This documentary is uneven and sloppy at times but deserves a major release. Its triumph lies in its thought-provoking and unflinching assault on the status quo.
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