Exciting and Clever!
27 April 2002
This particular film is amazing! I have read the book and consider it one of the most important works in time. The Broadway play is also amazing with its vocals, scenery and special effects. So how do you make a movie that truly captures the essence of what Victor Hugo's vision? The Liam Neeson movie falls incredibly short, but this film captures the true essence and spirit of Jean Valjean! It creatively tells you Hugo's story while telling you about another character's journey similiar to that of Valjean's! A hard-working, uneducated man offers to help a Jewish family escape the Holocaust. The Jewish family recognizes the spirit of Jean Valjean in this man and offer to tell him about Jean Valjean as they are fleeing out of harm's way. If you are looking for an interesting, unique movie to watch, THIS IS THE ONE!
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