John Goodman's best performance!
8 October 2003
John Goodman is best remembered for being Roseanne's husband on tv, as far as I'm concerned, he deserves a purple heart for just putting up with her! However, he is a fine dramatic actor as well and have repeatedly proven it in films like Sea Of Love and The Babe. He is a larger then life screen prescence who dominates every film that he is in, even when he played Fred Flintstone! He takes on a real life "Larger then life" character in playing Huey Long, the infamous Louisiana "Kingfish". People have forgotten Long's assassination in 1935 rocked the country like the JFK, RFK and MLK deaths three decades later. Long was really nothing but a bombastic dictator who turned the state of Louisiana into his own private political machine. You shudder when you think what would have happened if he had been elected President. Goodman shows Long's bombast and bluster, but also his great charm that appealed to the Louisiana voters. History tells us that Long was killed one night in 1935 at the Louisiana State Capitol by a young doctor named Wiess. However, ballistic and modern forensic examination seems to rule this out. Weiss had gone there to speak with Long because he was gerrymandering his Judge father in law's district and wanted to stop him from doing it. What happened is that they got into a shoving matfch and Weiss hit Long in the mouth. His bodyguards went beserk and shot Weiss over sixty times. One of the stray bullets hit Long and killed him. Its inronic and perhaps poetic justice that this dictator's death should have been at the hands of his brutal bodyguards.
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