Sounds Great! Oh Dear...
16 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! A British thriller, based on the Roberto Calvi story, starring Annabella Sciorra and Michael Gambon! Funny, I don't remember this at the cinema! But surely it can't miss! Oh, but it did... What a weird little movie! Featuring, amongst other delights, Ms Sciorra in a Rhona Cameron hairdo, Gambon playing a Detective Chief Inspector who talks like a cockney barrow boy (**SPOILER** Though there's a clue in the way everyone calls him "Inspector" rather than "Chief Inspector"**END SPOILER**), and a performance from John Hannah that's not so much phoned in as scrawled on a piece of paper in bed, fashioned into a paper airoplane and thrown through the window. What was Annabella thinking? Appearing in this dreck was like Michael Stipe singing with Chas and Dave. It reaches its nadir when Gambon and fellow corrupt cops(straight from central casting) in order to get rid of the pesky tramp who can undo them, visit a homeless encampment and set fire to it, then stand there sneering! If only they'd had moustaches, so they could have twirled them...
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