Another brilliant Aussie film
29 June 2000
Unlike jjp, I think of this as one of those rare movies that is spectacular without trying to be spectacular. So many Hollywood movies try to slam emotions down our throats, leaving one cold--not this. The entire cast is solid, if not brilliant, especially Joan Plowright.

The storyline may not be the most original around, but it is well thought-out, directed and executed. On the surface it's another "family coming together" flick where one laughs a bit and cries a bit. But it's better done than that. The characters (and dialogue) are real, not filled with contrived eccentricities. They're also enjoyable and enchanting. The setting, a quiet (almost dull) seaside town, works wonderfully (& it's not NYC, LA or Chicago for once.) Without car chases and gun shots, it comes together beautifully.

The 90s seem to have been a real coming of age for the Australian film industry. This film, along with "The Sum of Us", "Muriel's Wedding" and a host of others seem to prove that all Hollywood writers, directors and producers need a working-holiday in Australia.
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