Review of The Granny

The Granny (1995 Video)
The Granny sucked but two actors show future promise on screen
31 December 1998
although I will have to admit that "The Granny" was one of the worst films that I have ever seen, I always like to find something positive to say about most things. Unfortunately, there's not much I can say about this movie that would be considered positive. It was cheesy, to say the least. The dialogue was non-existent (I actually think the movie would have been better as a silent flick). The plot was so thin, it was like watching a really bad mentos commercial on acid. Of course, there is one positive thing I can say about the film. Although most of the cast of the film should give up acting (if they can even call what they did in that film acting), there were two actors that made the film bearable. Not surprisingly, it was the two youngest actors of the film. Samantha Hendricks played her part well, since all she had to do was be herself; a little girl in a freaky situation. Ryan Bollman, while a little overly dramatic in his role, shows true acting talent. These two actors would do best to hold out for more decent parts, and not waste their talent on such low-grade "film making". "The Granny" belongs in the waste basket, but save these two actors. I hate seeing talent go to waste.
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