French Twist (1995)
Surprisingly Light, Inoffensive
31 October 1999
wisp of a romantic comedy. Abril's character charms both a lesbian and her inattentive husband who soon regrets his lack of regard for his live-wire wife. Her sexuality is fluid---not really gay or straight but reponsive to genuine love and affection.

If this film were about exclusively hetero characters it would probably not engender most of the outrage and invectives hurled at it. At its essence, it's a light, well-acted film with decent writing and, frothy sexual politics typical of romantic comedies. It's no more offensive than, say, "10" or "When Harry Met Sally". The fact that the same-sex element seems to send some viewers into paroxyms of homophobic outrage says more about the viewer than anything terribly offensive or subversive about this movie. That it looks at the characters with some open-mindedness and wit makes it worthy of a look.
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