Review of The Fear

The Fear (1995)
A complete mess...
8 October 2002
The Fear, is nothing but an insipid, washed up horror/suspense film gone completely wrong. The Fear has all of the basics that an average horror film needs, it has good acting (surprisingly), a little bit of nudity, and lots of dirty language, but all that is gone to complete waste because this film falls short on entertainment. There is a good plot, that might interest some people, but overall, this film lacks in blood and gore, and most of all, suspense. The plot is overall good, and interesting. Here's the story: This group of people all show up at a remote cabin in hope of conquering their worst fears. While they're there, they are all terrorized by a wooden dummy named `Morty'. Like I said, the plot in general, is interesting, and the plot is what will lead you to watch this movie. The acting was surprisingly good, considering the fact that this movie was almost never known to the world. Each actor gave moderately good performances, that at least gave the movie something good. Now here's the bad parts of the film. The sound effects are very horrible, when the wooden dummy walks, he makes loud `CLUMP!' sounds that lack in realism. The second reason is because the movie is VERY talkative. Throughout the entire film, it is basically talking, and nothing else. Third reason, is because you don't really see Morty walk much at all, and there is a lack of death scenes. If you want a better version of this film, watch part 2, it was WAY better. The Fear had so much potential, but it all went to waste. 4 out of 10
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