The Sum of Us (1994)
Back when I was 13.....
7 February 2001
I was coming out to myself.. I had this warped image of being gay that I had to develop a lisp and become high camp just to conform with being gay (I repeat I was 13 and living in the sticks.) I saw an ad for this movie TSOU and I just had to see it. With alot of precautions I caught a train for 2 hours to a movie theater that was far enough away so no one that I knew would see me going to a "gay" Film. Any way Sitting in the theater I was presented with an image of a gay man that didn't fall into the stereotypes I had been so used to, I guess the film taught me I could be gay with out being faggy. To simply label this as a gay movie is to miss the entire point its a Romance movie, both father and son looking for a partner of same/different gender. To make a tired point I love this movie Russell Crowe and Jack Thompson are brilliant.. I wish I had a dad like Henry.... or a boyfriend like Jeff :)
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