Sin & Redemption (1994 TV Movie)
What the !**!?
1 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Question number one: why would anyone write this drivel?

Question number two: why would anyone give it the go ahead to go into production?

Question number three: is there anyone out there who DIDN'T know who was going to rape her the second he said hello to her?

Question number four: why did the main cast members listen to their agents when they said 'Hey, this is a good one'?

This film was contrived, a travesty of the film industry, a shame that the cast and crew made this when they could have been doing something worthwhile with their time (such as performing their own tonsillectomies with a rusty spoon and a pair of child safe scissors), an insult to anyone who has ever gone through the events portrayed and an insult to anyone who ever watched it.

**Plot Spoiler** I am, unfortunately for myself, one of those people who, no matter how bad a film is, has to watch to the end to see what happens. I'm kind of glad I did with this one, as I now get to slate that stupid, weak as a baby's little finger, utterly ridiculous ending. Her rape cost her her reputation and her close relationship with her father and he manages to redeem himself by donating a kidney or whatever is was to her daughter to save her life. It's the least he can do. She owes him no graditude for that. The only thing she owes him is a kick in the groin and a spell in a penitentiary. **End of Spoiler**

The people responsible for this ludicrous rigmorale have a lot of explaining to do.
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