Truly the worst movie ever made. Seriously. Zero Stars out of ****.
17 February 2000

Starring: Renee Zellweger, Matthew McConaughey, Robert Jacks, and Tonie Perensky Directed and written by Kim Henkel. Running time: 86 minutes. Rated R (for bizarre violent and sexual content, and for strong language).

By Blake French:

"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" is so bad it is virtually mind numbing. It is the worst movie I have ever seen. Even the most horrible of bad movies tower far above this romp that wonders between insipid concepts and horror free events. I have a real hard time excepting the fact that such badness can actually qualify as a mainstream film production. This picture is disturbing, bizarre, and god awful. I wish I could provide you with a more thought out opening paragraph, but what else can I say?

There is absolutely zero character development in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation." Due to this, we really couldn't care less about what happens to the main characters. The film's logic free story consists of several high school students becoming lost in the depth of a wooded area where they stumble upon a sickening family of psychopaths that put new meaning to the word dysfunctional.

There are two deaths in the film, both of side characters. One is run over with a truck. The other has his neck broken. In a movie titled "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation," one would expect gory murders a plenty--though that is far from reality in this case. There is no blood, no guts, and no chainsaw killings. The Leatherface character does absolutely nothing in the film. Excuse me. He does do something. He dresses up like a woman and shrieks his chainsaw above his head while screaming wildly.

Who are the villains? What do they want? What conceivable reasons do they have for living the lifestyle they inhabit? There are no answers provided. I am not necessarily stating that the majority of viewers will even care enough about the plot to even ask any questions. I am just backing up my theory of the terrible qualities this production contains.

It is quite the surprise to witness some big names in the film's cast list, such as Renee Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey. Neither of the two are capable of rescuing the movie, nor are they able to perform with fine dramatic tension. What a complete waste of talent director and writer Kim Henkel constructs with this piece of trash.

After screening "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" I honestly felt sick to my stomach. I love movies so much, but this so-called movie is a disgrace to all film's associated with. It is so hard to understand what the individual's intentions were when they produced this heap of garbage. Did the filmmakers desire to give movies a bad name? Or did they actually believe "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" was worth a penny? After seeing this movie's poster, and seeing the tagline "Still Buzzing After All These Years," I had a question for it. Why is the series still buzzing when it ran out of fuel long before this film was made?
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