Only in a Troma movie........
25 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Will you see a pterodactyl being chased by a stealth fighter. This one scene alone bought a tear to my eye, after the "Apache helicopter vs. Dragons" fiasco that was Reign of Fire's biggest disappointment.

But PWBH is just plain lunacy, from start to finish. Every expense is spared, especially in the special effects department. Particularly ridiculous is Brion James, who normally plays bad guys, here attempting to convince us (very badly) that he is a native American shaman.

I won't pretend this is a great movie. It really stinks! But at least it knows what it is and doesn't try to be something it isn't. At least it pokes fun at itself. My favourite line is when the group is in the desert and the scene cuts to a dinosaur charging at them. One of the characters looks appropriately horrified and says "Look out! Stock footage!"


Ah Troma! How we miss your madness. They don't make 'em like this anymore!
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