In Search of Dr. Seuss (1994 TV Movie)
World of Seuss
29 September 2000
I believe this movie was made before the recent glut of biography shows and movies went into full swing. It was made in that time not too long ago when seeing someone's life story being played out on TV was interesting, not repetitive. This movie is one of the most unusual, but one of the best, biopics I've ever seen.

Who didn't love Dr. Seuss as a kid? I still have yet to meet someone who didn't. This movie is done in the spirit of a Dr. Seuss book; there are some serious points, but mostly light-hearted humor. The celebrities providing the voices and faces of Dr. Seuss's world were absolutely wonderful. I especially liked Billy Crystal as the Voice of America radio station. It was also pretty interesting to see clips of cartoons that had been made from the books. I had never known that cartoons had been made from "The Sneeches" and "The Lorax". The songs, with lyrics taken from Seuss's books, were nice and upbeat, and the narrative itself remained interesting up to the very end, showing how Seuss's books tied in with his own life. I don't think I've ever heard that much information about Dr. Seuss's life anywhere else, even though some may think that information is presented in a goofy way. You'll have to agree that it is rather thorough for a family presentation and brings up many things we have never before heard about Seuss and his books.
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