Review of Exit to Eden

Exit to Eden (1994)
What a Waste!
6 August 1999
What could the producers of this film been thinking? That if they took an Ann Rice s&m novel, overlaid a crime thriller plot on top of it, and then cast comedic performers in the role of the police that it would add up to a movie greater than the sum of its parts? This smorgasbord of genres does end up being more than the sum of its parts, but going in the direction of greatly awful instead of greatly good.

What makes matters worse is all the talent that's wasted here, including Dan Ackroyd and the two charismatic leads, Dana Delany and Paul Mercurio. I sometimes think that for all their wealth, fame, and glamor, actors really do have the worst lives. During the film-making process they must trust to the judgment of their director and hope that everything they do (no matter how uncomfortable or embarrassing) is for a good purpose. Sadly here, Delaney and Mercurio's faith in their director, Garry Marshall, is badly misplaced. The two have to bare a lot of flesh before this movie is through (poor Dana even goes full frontal in one scene) and all for what? Performances that are potential career killers? Stars on the scale of Ackroyd can survive a flop even as bad as this and Marshall, after the success of "Runaway Bride", is sure to be around for a while. But Dana Delany has gone on to do nothing substantial since and Paul Mercurio (who recently "starred" in "The First 9 1/2 Weeks") looks to be entering soft-core limbo. What a waste.
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