The Dark (1993)
The BBC Announcer Didn`t Really Spoil It For Me
4 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I`m taking no chances - ***** POSSIBLE SPOILER ***** -just in case

" A mutant rodent terrorises a graveyard in our late film now " said the BBC announcer as THE DARK started which may have ruined the film for me , but to be honest there isn`t enough of a film here to ruin because as the announcer said this film is more or less summed up in one line: A mutant rodent terrorises a graveyard . Is this a good idea for a film ? I didn`t think so either . You could stick up for it by claiming it`s a homage to 1950s B movies but that`s stretching it a bit , and the production values are very poor , the sort of thing you`d expect from a straight to video film . Not only that there`s lots of little irritants such as if it`s set in Canada ( And this is obvious from the accents ) then why`s the bad guy an American FBI man ? Where`d this mutant rodent come from ? And most importantly of all does Lance Henriksen know he`s been cloned ?
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