Review of Cabin Boy

Cabin Boy (1994)
Stupid, Ridiculous, but entertaining in some stupid way
12 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
First of all this movie is totally Stupid. It's a very long time since i've last seen a movie as dumb as this one. But in a strange way it still manages to entertain a little. I wouldn't quite say that it's so stupid that it's funny, because it isn't funny at all. SPOILERS It's a story about a fancy-lad(or whatever they call him) named Nathaniel(Chris Elliot) who after graduating from school is planning on sailing to Hawaji to work for his father but in a stupid way ends up on the wrong boat. He was supposed to sail with the Queen something but instead ends up sailing with The Filthy Whore. The boat is filled with drunk, filthy, smelling fishermen of whom none are the least bit funny. They fishermen loose their cabin boy in a storm because Nathaniel convinces him in the middle of the night when the crew are drunk to change the destination and head for Hawaji. So basically after that they try to make a man out of Nathaniel a´la sailor way. No one naturally likes him because he's "girly" and they intend to leave him stranded on an island but he somehow survives the tests with a like little help form Chocki a Shark-Man(a half shark - half man) who also falls in love with our beloved new Cabin boy. Then Nathaniel suddenly finds a beautiful woman sleeping in the ocean. Her name is Trina and she is trying to swim around the world, go figure. The filthy whore is in quite bad condition after the storm so the men sail to the nearest island in order to repair their ship. After arriving on the island Nathaniel decides to become a man because he is frustrated over the fact that he is in love with Trina but she doesn't seem to care for him at all so the fishermen tell him about Calli, a "woman-something" with more arms then necessary who lives in a cave on the island. He seeks her up and finally loses his virginity i think. The experience naturally makes him "Superman" and next thing you know he and Trina get their very brief moment. The crew including Nathaniel and Trina have a battle with a giant named Mulligan after that. He naturally is p****ed off because Nathaniel had sex with his wife, that being Calli. Well finally shortly after that they arrive at Hawaji and the ending becomes a typical,sappy love-story ending where they live happily ever after, although apparently not on Hawaji.

You see from the outcome of the film that the budget wasn't that high if there ever even was one. The acting is horrible especially from lead Chris Elliot. The movie is filled with terrible dialog throughout the entire film combined with a nonexisting screenplay and some very, very bad filming makes this movie a real turkey.
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