Funny and profound
14 December 2002
I remember liking this movie a lot when I saw it in the theater. I

recently caught it again on HBO and was struck by the deeper

thematic resonance that you might not pick up on first viewing.

The character of Flender speaks the film's theme for his own

shallow reasons. He says, "True artists create their own moral

universe." Flender uses this mantra to rationalize boinking his

friend's girlfriend. But it is true nonetheless. Artists believe that

great art transcends human life, because it perserveres through

generations and it enriches the lives of countless people. On one

side this is a beautiful notion. But the flip side of the notion is


The artistic ideal is unforgiving: it demands everything from its

devotees. That's why many a great artist (Picasso, Pollack,

Hemingway) has broken hearts and even killed rather than


Most people in the world don't live that way. They follow the golden

rule. This moral integrity allows them to feel at one with humanity,

and it gives them a sense of peace and self-worth.

For artists (like gangsters), civility is a luxury. If they want to

achieve greatness, they have to be willing to push mediocrity, and

mediocre people, aside.

Chazz Palmentieri (not Joe Mantegna, as some have incorrectly

stated) plays Cheech, a gangster who discovers he has a passion

for writing. He's willing to kill and die for his work, and that's what

makes him an artist. John Cusack plays David, a playwright who

has great ambition and even great good fortune, but who realizes,

through his association with Cheech, that he is not willing to

sacrifice his common humanity, and therefor, he is not an artist.

I think this is one of Woody Allen's best films (in the top three or

four). But I have to believe that Douglas McGrath had a great deal

to do with the script, since Woody's other recent efforts are far

inferior to this. So I applaud Doug McGrath, from one artist to

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