Blue Heaven (1992–1994)
Skinner's Lost Gem
24 January 2003
This was an absolutely brilliant show, first piloted by the UK's Channel 4 in 1992, and then becoming a six-part series in 1994.

It's weird, but this series has only been re-run once since then, and has never made it to video or DVD-which is pretty strange as Frank has gone onto become one of British TV's biggest and funniest stars.

Anyway, Frank here plays Frank Sandford, a likeable Birmingham lad who's in a useless amateur band called 'Blue Heaven', alongside his Irish friend Roache. He chases unreachable women, he argues with his common parents, he gets confused bits of philosophy from an elderly Asian chap who follows him about-it's a meandering but realistic and fun show, very unfairly neglected by Channel 4 over the years.

As they say down the Carson Club-"It's A Cracker"
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