Full Moon makes another stupid movie.
10 February 2004
With a name like full moon entertainment, you think they would make really good horror movies. Instead we get another comedy/horror hybrid that is not scary and is not funny. We already have a company that does this called Troma we do not need two. With a low budget you can still make effective horror movies like "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" or the original "Halloween". Full Moon though would rather make a movie featuring characters from different movies coming together. Movies that were not very good to begin with. This one shows you scenes from "Dollman" and "Slimebowlarama" to set up its tale. Seems "Dollman" found a gal his size and so he heads to this town that has these stupid killer toys...think "The Puppet Master", but with stupid looking toys. What you get is a very bad movie that isn't funny or scary which is exactly what one would expect when combining characters from other movies that are also not funny or scary. My advice would be to skip seeing this one unless you see it on the Sci-Fi channel so you can see just how stupid it is. What is really strange is Tim Thomerson being in this...he seems to be an okay actor, why does he take roles like this?
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