Dark Universe (1993 Video)
Another Joe Estevez spectacular!
21 October 2002
I've always enjoyed the laughable schlock that Joe Estevez does, and was disappointed that even though he got top billing he was a rather minor character. Some may poke fun at Joe's talents, but he's done over a hundred films so far and he's far more likeable than his equally pudgy, self-righteous commie brother, Martin Sheen.

MST3K could have done wonders with this one, but with a few witty friends and enough beer or dried vegetable matter to go around it could still be entertaining --- just don't even THINK of this as an actual movie!

I'd give it a star or two for some nice fleeting breasts, and an extra one for the most hilarious, faked-up special effects since the old Buck Rogers serials. The monster is definite proof that at some point Barney mated with "Alien." You can almost hear it singing, "I love you, you love me, let's terrorize the community!"
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