Review of Born Yesterday

Not that bad really
15 July 1999
Despite the bad reviews this movie received, I didn't think it was that bad. Maybe it's just because it's a remake and it's a known fact that people just don't like remakes. I don't remember ever having encountered a remake that people liked more than the original. And nostalgia for the originals plays a huge part in this, trust me.

But I don't think they changed too much of the script, and it's the script which I really liked anyway. While for the other aspects, well, I guess I have to admit that most of the acting wasn't particularly good, the only character I really felt was played with sparkle was Melanie Griffith as Billie.

Anyway, it is worth a watch especially if you haven't seen the original version (same title, 1950) in which case you might be kinder on your comments. If you loved the original, don't like remakes, then be cautious!
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