The Airzone Solution (1993 Video)
An unlikely group of reporters combine forces to stop a corrupt government from making a deteriorating environment a total disaster.
28 May 2003
Sometimes less is more & you have to go back to the basics. Any filmmaker who complains about not having enough money to tell a good story should take a look at some of the work that's gone on @ BBV. No fancy special effects or window dressing, just good old-fashioned characters & story telling to weave a creepy near future faced with a collapsing environment & the evils of overgrown corporations. Each of the former Doctors shines,(especially effective is flip of Colin Baker to nice guy & Peter Davison to abrasive hero), as does a young Alan Cumming, thankfully, an ensemble cast who prove there's no small roles & solid, believe performances can make a viewer forget about the tiniest of budgets. I've seen this about 4 times since it's first release ten years ago & I think it holds up really well as an example that a good story is simply a good story, budget be damned!! Great stuff, Bravo, Nicholas Briggs & co.
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