Perhaps the funniest, quirkiest show in TV history
20 May 2004
Aired on Nickelodeon as a "children's" series, this show was a shining star in the history of Nickelodeon's original programming. Spun off of mini-episodes which lasted only a few minutes and aired between other shows, this off-beat neighborhood of nut cases became a cult classic among adults for its burnt humor and brilliant casting. The guest stars on this show read like a veritable who's who and include the likes of Steve Buscemi, Hunter S. Thompson, Bebe Neuworth, Ann Magnuson, Adam West, Marshall Crenshaw, Michael Stipe, Iggy Pop ... the list is amazing! One might wonder what would draw so many talented names to such a small, unknown show, but all you have to do is watch five minutes of this little gem to see that this was no ordinary kid's show. I highly recommend it for anyone with a penchant for weird, quirky humor. I only wish the reruns were shown more, or the shows were available for home viewing - I've yet to see them released as a collection.
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