The more I think about it, the more I feel sick knowing it will probably not ever air again.
22 December 2001
This show was by far, the best show I have ever seen. It beats the Simpsons, it beats Mystery Science Theater 3000, it beats the animated The Tick, it even beats Ren and Stimpy. This show is indescribable. I currently have a sick feeling in my stomach that I don't think could be remedied without watching a season or two of the show. Even when I was only 9 or so, I could recognize its greatness. I would give up food for a week just to see the opening credits with the theme song. The only parts I remember about the opening is big Pete mowing the grass, the air swimming and the band playing in the front yard with a bike being suspended from wires.

My all-time favorite episode of this show is a tie between three episodes and a series of episodes dealing with Mr. Frosty? the ice cream vendor. One of the two episodes was the one were little Pete was forbidden to leave the house to go to the 4th of July town party, and the dad locked him in the house. The whole escapade with little Pete trying to escape turned into a "Great Escape" tribute based on the movie, where little Pete digs through the basement, and under the yard using a model statue of liberty. Then he breaks through the grass having the statue of liberty rise out first, symbolizing freedom. I mean come on! You cannot write better television! That was incredible. And what else was so great, were the parts where the girl across the street would talk to little Pete while he dug, through the sprinkler system, and the dad got suspicious, because it had to do with the grass that little Pete ruined when he experimented on the lawn with a humidifier and a de-humidifier side by side one another to see what would happen. And, following "The Great Escape" the episode had the tunnel fall in on Pete when the neighbor turned on a flood of water that rushed onto the grass to ruin it. In the end, the dad and little Pete got bonded closer together as the dad learned that family closeness is far superior to punishment. This was a brilliant show. I mean, brilliant!

The other episode was were Pete's dad faced off against Ellen's dad in a car race where Pete's dad used their station wagon, and Ellen's dad used a remote-control car with an action figure of Ellen's dad driving. What was great though, was that the Wrigley's stole the action figure and kept it at ransom, keeping it in their secret command control center in their basement, while the mom was forced to listen to polka and waltzes Ellen's dad transmitted out to Pete's mom's metal plate in her head. It was just so great!

The other episode was the very first episode I saw of Pete and Pete. It was where the family faced off against another family in a trip to reach the Boulder Dam first with the highest stack of stuff on top of their car. It was to decide who would be the true "King of the Road" because the other family's car had a more accurate spelling of "King of the Road" and it made Pete's dad mad. In the end, if you remember, the Wrigleys won, because they had uncladded themselves in order to put it on top of the roof to get the highest stack of stuff, all topped off with one of Pete's action figures. One thing I forgot to mention that came to me as I wrote this was in the beginning of the trip, big Pete was talking about how he and little Pete thought if they had their arms out at the correct angle as the car was going a certain speed, they would take off into the air. That comment alone is worth thinking about for a long time, because it makes you think about your youth, and makes you think, "that would be so cool if that would ever happen." But then, the dad got kind of mad, so he tried to close the window, but little Pete had an override thingy that would make the windows do what they wanted. That was just too cool for words. I want to marry this show.
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