weak script, terrible music...but Dylan McDermott was great!
5 September 1999
First of all, not even the title is good. I think this film would have been good if there was more of a definate plot to it. Within 25 or so odd minutes, you already get the gist of whats going to happen! It's a total "cop-out"! The only good part of this flick, was Dylan McDermott. Not only was he really believable, he brought a certain charm to the role. (The looks did help though) *smiles* One thing he (Dylan) does well in this, is scream. I mean scream at the top of his lungs, till hes purple in the face..it was heart stopping, in other words awesome. Another thing he does well, hes got a great mouth to swear with, it just sounds better. Is that weird? Anyway, see for yourself, if only to see McDermott!
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