Passable entry
23 February 2003
Perry Mason is invited to the wedding of his niece, a famous popstar. During the wedding ceremony things are disrupted by the bride's uncle threatening her father. Security overpower him and take him into a side room, but later he is found dead with the bride standing over him. She is arrested as evidence is found that the bride's father, Max Parrish was being investigated for extortion. Perry takes up the case while Ken goes after a young fan who had sneaked into the wedding and may have seen the murderer.

Mason films usually suffer when they try to shoe-horn the lawyer into the case rather than just having him being taken on by a client. However this doesn't suffer as bad as some of the other ones, although it does make things a little more difficult than they should be. The personal involvement in the plot makes things a little more complex and awkward rather than upping the emotion (as was the hope I guess). However aside from this it moves along at the usual pace for these films. Malansky's bit is not as good as usual and only the `side-kick' being a soap actor makes it a little amusing, but Mason does make good use of the emotional involvement in his courtroom presence.

Burr is good but seems a little at odds having to deliver a more involved performance this time around. Hale has little to do but tries to up the hinted romance by being possessive and such. Moses is good but has less to do. The support cast are interesting with Ronny Cox and Linda Blair being the well-known faces.

Overall a passable but not great entry in the series. A good ending that isn't too much of a blue-sky twist and a reasonable plot make for solid fare for those of us who enjoy this type of thing.
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