Batman Has Nothing To Worry About
1 March 2001
You really have to be a fan of............oh what the heck, this movie just plain stinks! The costume looks horrible, too many liberties were taken with the characters and the plot lurches forward badly. It basicly starts out with a few minutes in one place, a few minutes in another, a few more elsewhere......you get the idea, and then all these separate incidents gradually and slowly lead to one single plot. MST3K's Pod People was easier to follow ! Few good things about this, Matt Salinger looks enough like Steve Rogers should, but is hampered by the lousy script and implausible plot. The culture shock he has returning home after too many years is done fairly well, and the Red Skull seen at the top of the movie reminds me of a cross between Freddie Kruger and Jason Voorhees. This movie could have been so much better set entirely in WW2 with the opening scene of Hitler screaming at his generals, "I could make that bellboy a better leader than any of you !" That is from the mythos of the comic book. After the opening credits, we should have seen the process of Rogers becoming the hero who goes on to fight the Red Skull, who through most of the movie should have been spoken of and referred to, but not seen. This movie needed that sort of impact, the indication of the sort of evil the Nazis represented, but as it is, it's just one big car wreck on the "to-do" list at MST3K.
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