20 July 1999
Let me put it this way: if you're looking for a movie with lots of action, plenty of explosions, Sonny Chiba (!), a cast as integrated as an old "Star Trek" episode and the wonders of Rachel McLish, you MUST see "Aces: Iron Eagle III".

The first one was pretty good in a cheesy, '80s way; the second was more or less forgettable (tell the truth, I can't remember one character from it)... but "Aces" - It has everything an action fan could want. ...that is, if you haven't seen "Top Gun", "Die Hard" or any other movies with explosions, planes, Louis Gossett Jr., etc... etc....

But Rachel McLish.


Excuse me, where was I? Oh yes, Rachel. What a woman. Not only is she stronger than any of the guys in this film, but she shoots, fights, speaks Spanish and strangles guards with chains better than Bruce Willis ever dreamed of. Looks better in a t-shirt, too.

Two and a half stars for "Aces". Good stunts, explosions.... Great use of a former Ms. Olympia.
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