Strangely compelling, kinda like the scene of an accident!
16 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Let me begin by saying that this film was utter tripe. I couldn't begin to tell you what on earth this thing was actually about.

THAT SAID - I sat and watched this ridiculous rubbish from beginning to end. I have seen it three or four times since then, just when it's been on telly (TV to you Yanks) and you DO sit and watch it, even if it's 10 minutes from the end.

It's strangely compelling, like the scene of a terrible accident, you have to slow down and take a look. It's worth watching just to see the unique and inventive way in which the bad guys get their cummupance (I don't consider this to be a spoiler, sorry if it is, surely you realise the bad guys have all got be killed in the most unlikely and elaborate ways!)

In summary - as other critics of this film have said, the idea of WWII aircraft taking on state-of-the-art fighter jets is ludicrous but then the film is ludicrous. So is the cast of characters, particularly Christopher Cazenove playing the stereotypical Englishman that makes Brits like me want to strip them of their British passports! However, this mindless rubbish is entertaining for its pure stupidity.

It's perfect if you've just ate a big meal and simply want to veg out infront of the box while your food goes down.
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