A little education goes a long way...
17 January 2000
For those of us coming from "under-developed" countries in Latin-America, this movie hits home, and simply puts faces to the history we learned in grades 1, 2 and 3. Since back home we study world history, (which, surprise, surprise, is not the same as North-American history) this story is not new, but it is grandly and eloquently told. First, a quick history lesson. At the time of Columbus, everybody with any kind of education knew that the world was not flat, and that it went around the sun. They just could not say it aloud without strong evidence, or they could become the next central-square roast, literally. Gallileo had already proven this quite a while before, and for that he was placed under house arrest... for the rest of his life. So, when telling his son that IT was round, CC was not talking about the orange, dah, but about the world, as evidenced by the slowly disappearing ship. So Columbus knew that he would not fall of the edge of the world, but also he was not very good at math..., miscalculating the distance (or did he?)to be traveled. Lucky for him America (the continent, not the "country") was there.

Anyway, like a good meal, which is best enjoyed with a little wine, this movie is best enjoyed with a little culture.

And yes, I think Vangelis did a superb job on the score.

And no, Tom Cruise...(Your Eminence, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH...) and Silvester Stallone (Yoh, Isabella...)would not have been quite right for the part...
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