New Jack City (1991)
9 years later, laughably bad...
12 February 2000
I can't believe I liked this on its original release. I found the film quite dated (crack is the drug of choice), poorly written and edited, and unfortunately poorly acted. Among my issues are: Ice-T as a guy named Scotty Appleton? Why didn't Mario ever tie his tie? Is there one more Mafia stereotype they could have included? Was an editor present, or did they just open the shutter and shoot? And finally, Chris Rock gets the award for worst cold turkey (later recidivist) performance ever (for a character named "Pookie"). He was bad. Redemption is present, however, in Wesley Snipes' performance (his career unfortunately seems to have followed the Treat Williams model), the music, and the design and filming of the crack "warehouse/factory."

A "3." See "Do the Right Thing" or "Boyz N the Hood" instead.

N.B. Judd Nelson's appearance here brings to mind one of the great questions of the 80s: "What the hell did Andrew Ridgely do in Wham?" Judd is in this film because...?
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