I did like it better than the first one.
2 March 2004
That is not exactly a great feat. I did not care for the first one much at all, and I did not like this one all that much either. I did, however, like it more than part one. As stupid and gross as it was I did snicker at a few of the jokes so it gets a couple of points for that. This one plays more like an "Airplane" or "Naked Gun", so that helped it with me a bit as well. I liked how they opened by recapping the first one and then basically telling you it had nothing to do with this one. There was a part where they had this squirrel investigating something and talking in a chipmunk voice. There were a couple of other good jokes I liked as well, like the guy that could not get a girl yet he looked like the type of guy girls chase after. All in all though most of the jokes were stupid and fell flat and the movie just tried to gross you out for the sake of grossing you out. Like when the two people are making out and melting at the same time. Still though, was better than part one, but it wasn't good enough to make me want to see part three.
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