Review of Backdraft

Backdraft (1991)
Astonishing SPFX but.....
2 July 1999
The problem with this movie is that there is too much going on here for its own good and if some of the stupid sub-plots were eliminted, it would have been better. It's not that I don't like the film, because I do, but the romance between Baldwin and Leigh is so forced and unbelievable that I actually cringed when I watched it for the first time in about three years. Also Russell's relationship with his ex-wife is just not needed. I know in some people's minds it shows the dangers of being a fireman not just on the job but in life as well, but it just wasn't necessary. And if your'e going to have it in here, at least don't have stupid contrived scenes like the one where Russell shows up on her doorstep late at night drunk and utters lines like " It's the only thing I was ever good at " crap. Which brings me to my next and final negative point. Some of the characters are terribly developed and they are either written poorly or they just deliver their lines like they were in a play in elementary school. Honestly they are that bad sometimes. Even veteran actors can't do much with what they have to work with in some scenes.

Having said all that, I do like this movie for the most part. The special effects are truly astonishing and they add to the realism and intensity of the film. And what I really liked about the film is that the end was so damned touching that I think it actually wanted guys to cry in the theater. When Russell says lines like " That's my brother ***dammit. Look at him go, " is enough to make you swell with pride. And of course when the parade graces the screen you are then given permission to lose it. Now that is powerful stuff. And for those reasons alone I recommend this film. It's just too bad that there were some amateurish elements to the film because it really could have been a classic.
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