10 February 2002
I just saw this film for the first time Friday night and it was amazing and hilarious. I grew up in a convent near Chicago, Illinois and believe me it was NOTHING like this. The rooms were spacious, ours were cramped. The girls snuck out at night. If we had done that we would have been expelled in a moment.

The film is good though from the standpoint of seeing Russell Crowe as a smiling teenager. Now he is a rather brooding middle-aged man. It took me quite a while to realize it was he.

Can anyone tell me which woman was with him, making out in the car, the night before he went into the army? I think she is famous now but I cannot identify her from the list. She was, by the way, expelled the very next morning.

A very theatrical idea of what a convent is like. If only it were really that interesting!
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