Running Against Time (1990 TV Movie)
Brilliant, brilliant film.
2 December 2001
It comes as no surprise to me this film was never big (25 votes) or a success, as it was good and written not with the intention of winning Oscars but of entertaining.

Almost from outset, it odes what any good film does & has the viewers mind wandering, you never know exactly where it is going, and you're hooked with interest. You even feel like you're in the film & start applying the concept to yourself.

Robert Hays is surprisingly very good, and it's a good family movie, not too far at all behind standard of Back to the Future and certainly alongisde any other good time travel movies ie Deja-Vu, The Final Countdown.

TV companies should show this more. You can't help thinking if only DeNiro, Pacino or Spacey had the lead, or a few exploding cars or some unnecessary violence cropped up, it would've had twice the acclaim.

It also gives some good insights into the Kennedy assassination, which I found fascinating.

But if you watch it in a light hearted manner, don't take it to seriously or be too critical, then it's great & explores one or two ideas.
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