Repossessed (1990)
Oh dear
27 March 2001
I logged into IMDB expecting to find this film in the 250 chart. That's the 250 worst movies chart. Juvenile humour, and even worse than that, telegraphed juvenile humour. The gags are pitifully weak and forced. You can imagine the script writer putting an <insert gag> tag in the script and adding the jokes later, coz that's how it plays. The gags should flow naturally, but lines are delivered purely so that a gag can be bolted on after it, and worst of all, you know when the gags are coming, even down to the point when the main character is introduced as Father Mayii you know that a "Father Mayii", "Yes you may" line can only be minutes away. Some of the Naked Gun, Airplane, Police Squad humour can work well, but not here. It's a personal thing, but I don't like big neon lights saying "Laugh Here", I'd rather have to work it out for myself.
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