Mister Frost (1990)
Good? and Evil?... and Science!
2 September 2001
"It used to be simple: good on one hand, evil on the other. There was a strugle. And then you people came along - the scientists."

Excellent film about about perceived good and evil from the viewpoint of humanity, and how science is has to be neither. Impartial, and yet with greater power and potential to be used for either. Or is it? Which will win out reason or emotion, or will they corrupt each other?

Or maybe Mister Frost simply a deranged man after all?

The previous lines were to give an overall feeling about the general atmosphere of Mister Frost for those who have not seen it. It is difficult to describe the plot in more depth than in the summary on the main page without spoiling the film, but imagine the confrontations between the possessed Regan and Karras or the doctors in William Peter Blatty's novel 'The Exorcist' that were cut out of the film. There you have Mister Frost.

Basically, if you like your thrillers to be charged with atmosphere and intelligence then this film is definitely worth viewing. Oh yeah, and also if you thought Jeff Goldblum could put in a good performance with a good script, but haven't yet seen it happen. This film is it.
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