A must see for Samurai/Medieval Japan fans
20 December 2000
While many compared this Samurai flick to the movies of Akira Kurosawa, I feel that this is an unfare comparison. It's like measuring every mafia movie made against the Godfather trilogy.

While the storytelling is some what disjointed at times the scenery and battle scenes are well worth viewing in this epic. It will definitely help any viewer to have an actual knowledge of the real-life history behind the stories two main characters (Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen). These two great warlords armies met 7 times over 15 years at the same plain in Northern Japans Alps. It is a truly fascinating story typical of the era known as Sengoku Jidai, or the "Age of the Waring States" in Japan.

The cinematography and acting are excellent. The battle scenes however are the true gem in this film. I have not seen medieval battle scenes done as well as this in film with the one exception being Braveheart.

Of note: Much of this film was shot in Canada using 10,000 college students as extras.
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