Review of Hardware

Hardware (1990)
On my top 10 worst movie list...
8 August 2001
This movie was horrible! I can't believe I wasted $6? (whatever the full price of a movie was back in 1990) on this. At least half the people in the theater walked out (one of the only times I ever seen that happen.)

There was no plot (although I wasn't expecting any), but the special effects sucked and there was no suspense or horror or even decent action scenes. The only plus for me was the soundtrack from Ministry.

What can you expect from a movie who only recommendation came from "Freddie Krueger" of Nightmare fame?

Just for comparison, a few other movies on my 'worst list' are The Crow Part 2, Mr. Saturday Night (maybe funny if you're 60+ years old) and Battlefield Earth (which was bad, but not as bad as Hardware.)
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