29 July 2002
Well I didn't really know what to think when I first saw this movie. First of all I couldn't understand how Troma were willing to change so much about the movie when the first one was so excellent. First of all Melvin appears to have shrunk somewhere in the region of 9-12 inches, his voice is about two octaves higher, none of the original cast are present (even though it had only been 5 years). Most shockingly I thought though was the way that Troma had completely changed the style of the movie. Whereas Toxic 1 had been humurous, gory and genuinely had a 'so bad its good' feel to it, Toxic 2 appears to have gone for a slapstick, comic book feel which totally sucks. Instead of decapitations, and arm ripping from the first movie, we are 'treated' to comedy sound effects, spinning heads and what I can only call a kids or family film. Very disappointing by Tromas standards. It's not all bad though, there are some genuinely funny parts to the movie. More complaints now, why was it deemed neccessary to have Toxie narrate throughout the entire movie? Why is his new girlfriend so annoyingly poor actress even by Tromas standards? When you watch it the second and third times it does get better I guess its just the initial shock of the complete u-turn that they have taken since the first movie. After seeing it a couple of times now I recommend that you give it a shot and make your own mind up on this movie. This movie is not half as good as the first one but is twice as good as the third installment.
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