Review of Shocker

Shocker (1989)
Craven makes a fool of himself here...
18 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Let me tell you a little secret...Wes Craven isn't the most talented horror director alive. Far from it actually, and this movie is the excellent proof. Craven is nothing but an overrated director who suffers too much from his own ego. He made two great milestones in the 70's which were outstanding ( Last House on The Left and The Hills have Eyes)and also the first Nightmare on Elm Street was more than decent. After that he only made average films and even a few unalloyed suckfests...Like Shocker !! By the way, I am aware that I left out Scream. It's a damn stupid film which doesn't make any sense, poorly acted and directed, filled with dumb plot twists and unfunny jokes and an overload of shameless references to classics. It's about a 'horrible' murderer who prepared himself to the electric chair so when they finally catch him and sentence him to death he's able to return through television and even through lampshades ! He also needs other bodies to crawl into when he wants to murder some more people...That results in some very goofy scenes. In the same year this piece of sh*t was brought out, there was a movie with a similar idea as well. House 3 aka the horror show involved an electric chair, a horrible serial killer and a return through electric impulses. This wasn't a highlight either but I still prefer that one because it didn't take itself so seriously...Also it had Brion James as the psycho and his death-ride was much more fun !

Wes Craven even rips off his own movies here...Coming into contact with the maniac through a dream ??? Didn't Wes do this already ?

Furthermore there are talking TV-sets and stuff...don't ask me why. And tons of other things that don't make sense ( why did the necklace had supernatural powers all of a sudden ). The acting is even worse. The lead character Jonathan is supposed to be a popular football player but he looks more like a dork to me...and above all, he can't act! The semi-metal soundtrack is really annoying and even a headbanger classic by Alice Cooper can't save it. I can point out a few more negative elements but I think you get the idea...Shocker is bad and certainly not recommended.
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