Review of Lock Up

Lock Up (1989)
Great movie, strong plot ~ very entertaining!
8 September 2002
I often find myself disagreeing with the critics, but in this case I am in agreement with the other reviewers on this page... This is a terrific movie, pure entertainment. I am frankly tired of so many modern movies that are nothing but violence, nudity and special effects. Well, this movie is not one of them -- it actually has a good plot. Oh, what a rare treat!

The best acting is not Stallone's (no surprise there) but that of Donald Sutherland's portrayal of the sadistic and bloodthirsty prison warden. And the scene with the Mustang nearly made me cry.

If you haven't yet seen this film... What are you waiting for? You're missing what is probably Stallone's best films! Run, don't walk, to your nearest video store! :-)
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