The Kill-Off (1989)
Mesmerizing little movie - perfect in its way...
28 April 2000
I can't believe this movie was made in 1989 & I never heard of it before its premiere on the Sundance channel. It's a riveting piece of work that's all of a piece: from the performances (the casting is about as eerily on-target as anything I've ever seen) to the lighting to the cinematography. I thought I was watching a Sam Shephard play with some kind of non-Shephard twist to it, only to find out at the end that it was based a Jim Thompson story. (Of course! - 1st cousin to Coup de Torchon/Pop. 1290.) Some of the scenes, especially the two women - Danny & Luane - dancing to the same record in crosscut scenes, are absolutely terrific. This movie beats all the major Hollywood products (including Hollywood "art" products like "Short Cuts") by light years. Highly recommended!!!
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