Rosebud, rosebud...
24 February 1999
Installment number two in the "second wave" of Godzilla flicks. In this one, Godzilla looks like he should; no slime green slick latex suit with a big butt and humongous baby eyes. Instead, he looks more sleek and dragon-like, and his face reminds me of ancient Japanese paintings of oni, or demons. G takes on what first is a giant rosebush which has been exposed to Godzilla cells, mutating it. The bush then evolves into a huge tentacled monster with long jaws, whose size dwarfs Gojiro. Pointless subplot about a professional killer hired by some made-up country to steal Godzilla cells. Be sure to look for the Supaa X flying craft which is sent out by the army to stop Godzilla with its powerful "fire mirror" made of "synthetic diamonds".
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