Review of Cyborg

Cyborg (1989)
Violent action trash
3 August 2002
Albert Pyun's Cyborg (1989) stars Jean-Claude Van Damme as Gibson, who is a lonely avenger in the post-apocalyptic future world in which sadistic hooligans kill and torture people in Mad Max tradition. Damme's character is after the bad guy who killed his family and the film follows his quest to capture and vengeance the ugly baddie and his thugs. What follows is the usual Damme action with plenty of kicks and hits.

This film is technically occasionally interesting, but for most of the time just stupid and unintentionally trashy. The editing in the action scenes is irritatingly restless and pointless as the film tries to show many things with these fast edits, but manages, in fact, to show only less by these too plenty edits. The cinematography is occasionally almost great, and the long segment at the abandoned storehouse offers a great opportunity to use camera with space and thankfully Pyun can use his camera and make his films look professional and interesting, and that storehouse segment is definitely among the more interesting in this film. Otherwise, the acting is the usual Damme level and the baddies are very irritating as they yell and scream without any point like some drunken indians. As an action scifi, this is grade B, but fortunately directed with skill so it is pleasant thing to watch, if one can stand the stupidities and hollowness of this film.

There's plenty of violence in forms of kicking, hitting, punching, slashing, snapping and so on so this is no less violent than your average Seagal/Damme/Norris vehicle which always tend to share these same no brains elements but also sometimes something cinematically noteworthy and interesting. Cyborg gets 4/10 from me and I would've given it much more if it had at least some point and less stupidities in it.
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