Review of Cohen and Tate

Screamer of a movie!
2 April 2002
User rating of 4.8? yeah right, so much for credibility!

Diabolically stupid reviews for this film go some way to explaining how this rating has eventuated but not all. Gratifying to see a few people with both awareness and understanding, albeit way in the minority.

For the record, this is one brilliant film, barely screened worldwide and buried long ago in video Boot Hill! A dialog-driven film which of course 'lost' the action-freaks probably during the opening reel. An entire movie shot more or less within the confines of an automobile and the interest never wanes (if you're SEEING, not just surface watching). Why is it brilliant? Because it offers the one thing ALL absorbing films do - INTERESTING CHARACTERISATIONS! Even Harley Cross as Travis Knight, the feisty lad under threat of death, contributes immeasurably to the film.

Arguably Baldwin and Scheider's greatest performances as the two hit-men thrown together on a "job" and yet who play by such different rules. Baldwin, the moronic Tate with no scruples, intellect or even taste. Scheider as Cohen the ageing assassin, weary of his lot but despite wanting to "get the job done," still with a thread of decency hanging over his doomed soul.

Extremely suspenseful and in some ways a human study that perchance the Cohen Brothers might have come up with. If you can see nothing in this film I can only wonder what you're missing in the rest of your three score years and ten? 8.5 out of ten, and don't even THINK about arguing!
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